Welcome to St. Aidan’s Primary School

On behalf of all the children, staff and governors I would like to welcome you to our website. I am very proud to be Headteacher of St. Aidan’s Primary School, a Church of England Academy.  On January 1st 2015 we converted to an academy and became part of Cidari – Blackburn Diocese Multi Academy Trust.

This website aims to give you a flavour of our Academy, as well as providing up to date information for parents, pupils and the wider community. Regular newsletters keep you up to date with school activities, along with posts on our social media sites and Class Dojo. 

Our main priority at St. Aidan’s is to develop the full potential of each and every pupil, whilst maintaining a caring, family orientated culture, with a high level of pastoral care. Children are given every opportunity to flourish, know that they are safe, unique, special and valued. Our caring, positive atmosphere is based upon our ALWAYS Christian values, as detailed in our Scripture, Visions and Values Statement, where children are guided to ‘Fulfil their potential and grow in God.’ Our teachers, support staff and governors are dedicated, high performing professionals who go the extra mile in order to make a difference to our pupils’ lives. 

Using the Thrive approach, we promote healthy emotional development in all pupils, to develop curious minds and confident, creative and capable children; equipping them for their future and providing the necessary ‘life’ skills that will enable them to make his or her unique contribution to society.  We believe that in challenging and developing our pupils’ ability to think independently,  that this enables them to transfer their learning to all aspects of their life; thus preparing them for the future. We are passionate about teaching children how to learn better, how to communicate more effectively and how to become responsible global citizens of the world who can live harmoniously with others. 

Our curriculum is rich, innovative and varied. It seeks to provide our pupils with opportunities to see life outside of their immediate environment and to give them life-changing opportunities.   St. Aidan’s pupils develop critical, digital skills where the use of technology is maximised. Teaching and learning is transformed with Google for Education and the use of Chromebooks where we have 1:1 devices for every pupil in key stage two.  

Your child’s education is very much a partnership between home, school, the church and the local community. Children are more likely to flourish and reach their full potential when home and school work closely together. Our children, their families and the community are at the heart of our school and we love to celebrate their success and achievements with them. Your help and support plays a vital part in the education of your child. Our family support work, senior leadership team, teachers and support staff are always happy to talk with you about your child’s achievements and progress, and we are always here for you, as members of our school family, too. 

Visitors are always welcome so that you can experience our school in action for yourselves. All visitors comment on the friendly and warm atmosphere within the school and the richness of the teaching environment.  It is only by visiting a school during the school day and seeing everyone working together that the real ethos of learning can be experienced and I would be delighted to show you around.

Should you require any further information about our school please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Kelly Harrison
