Meet the Year 1 Team

Year 1 Teachers

Miss Kay

Miss Kay

Year 1 Class Teacher

Mrs Daly

Mrs Daly

Teaching Assistant/Lunchtime Welfare Support

Mrs Mohamed

Mrs Mohamed

Teaching Assistant

Please find everything you need to know about Year 1 in the PowerPoint below.

Meet the Teacher Slideshow

To ease the transition from EYFS into year 1, we promote the use of continuous provision throughout the year.  We provide a broad and challenging curriculum with many opportunities for children to thrive.


Please listen to your child read their reading book and book they know each week. Please download the White Rose 1 Minute Maths app and encourage your child to use this. Here is the link for it


Reading books: Your child will bring one decodable book home every Thursday. This will be the book they have worked on in their Reading Practice Sessions at school that week. It is an expectation that your child reads to you once before returning the books for changing on Monday. Please can you sign their reading diary to confirm this.

Books We Know: Your child will bring home a book they know each week. They will have read these books at school so sit back and enjoy them telling you a story. It will be their responsibility to look after it and they must remember to bring it to school each Friday in order to exchange it for a new book.


We have PE every Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure children have PE kits in school and any earrings are removed or plasters need to be provided for the children to cover them with.



All children should wear full uniform including their ALWAYS badges.

We do allow pupils to wear all black trainers - no coloured swooshes/stripes etc. with all black soles.

Black shoes are also still acceptable and preferred for school.


Remote Learning

We have outlined our remote learning procedures during the covid pandemic on this page, following the guidelines set by the government. If there is a need to switch back to remote learning in the future, we will adhere to our Remote Learning policy. We will make sure to review and update it according to the current situation and the lessons we have learned from the previous period of school closure. Rest assured, we will communicate these changes clearly to parents.

Remote Learning Policy

Remote Learning Statement

Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 1 Autumn 1 - Knowledge Mats

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We have a new member of our class... it’s Grandma Fantastic and she brings us amazing vocabulary to help us with our work. As you can see the children have been jotting down what they can see on the front cover of our new book Rosie’s Walk. Ask your child about the drama they did today. Can they tell or show you how Rosie and the fox walked?


Science is all about materials this term. We had to solve a problem for Mrs Jones as she needed to know what material was the best for cleaning up spilt liquids. We enjoyed our first experiment testing out which material is the most absorbent. Ask the children to demonstrate it at home, they might even help with the cleaning 


The children were split into 2 groups to ensure they all had a turn at the activity. In the sand we built our own Motte and Bailey castle just like Clitheroe Castle. We also learnt how to be Masters of Arms with our swords and in circle time we even got to hold a real dragons tooth, claw and scale!

Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 1 Autumn 2- Knowledge mats

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Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 1 Spring 1 - Knowledge mats

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In Geography last week, we did our Show it! This means we got to show off everything we have learnt about the United Kingdom. We did a great job and hope you enjoy watching!

Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 1 Spring 2 - Knowledge Mats

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Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 1 Summer 1 - Knowledge Mats

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Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 1 Summer 2 - Knowledge Mats

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Autumn 1


We have worked so hard today especially this afternoon in Science. This term we are learning about animals including humans. Today we focused on parts of the body and using the correct vocabulary. Ask your child if they can point to different parts of their body.


What a busy day we have had. From sorting objects in Maths to working on our painting techniques in Art. We haven’t stopped!


We had a wonderful visit from Blackburn Museum when Steve brought along lots of old toys. The children had a great time playing with all the different toys.


What a morning we have had with Junior Jam. We had Computing, Spanish and Music. The children have learnt lots of new skills and have really enjoyed the sessions. Thank you Junior Jam, we are looking forward to next Friday already!


Art in year 1.  We have been using primary colours whilst focusing on our brush technique.


In History, we are continuing to learn about ‘Toys’. We looked at the differences between old and new toys. We then ordered toys in chronological order of the year in which they were made. We finally had a look at lots of information books. The children could recall key vocabulary to describe old and new toys. Why don’t you ask your child what they have learnt?


What a fantastic week we have had in Year 1. Lots of learning, fun and laughter. Your children really are amazing!
Have a fabulous weekend everyone.


Today in Art we have been looking at the work of the American artist Jasper Johns. In particular we focused on his picture Zero to Nine. The children enjoyed drawing the big numbers and then using primary and secondary colours to complete it.


Beautiful afternoon for PE. We have been working on our throwing, bouncing, throwing and catching skills. Year 1 have worked their socks off!


In Mastering Number we have been working on consecutive numbers. We made a staircase out of cubes showing we needed one more to make the next number. Then in pairs, the children then played which one is missing.


In Science we have been learning how to classify animals. We have learnt lots of key vocabulary and what it means. What pet have you got? Can you classify it by its characteristics?


In Maths, we are learning all about 3D shapes.


Today started with Maths and 3D shapes. We have been learning their properties by building them with straws and plasticine. The children have also been learning how 3D shapes exist in the real world. How many can you spot on your way home?

Autumn 2

In English, our new book we are looking at is called ‘Bee and Me’. We have been learning all about bees and even tasted some delicious honey. We have already produced a fantastic fact sheet. Ask your child to tell you some facts.

For Art, we have been learning about Andy Goldsworthy. He is an incredible artist that makes patterns and sculptures using natural things you can find outside. So this afternoon we had a go ourselves. I’m sure you will love our creations just as much as we do!


In English, the children are using role play to make up their own middle of the story for ‘Bee and Me’. They have some fantastic ideas so we are looking forward to seeing it in their writing tomorrow.


Today we had a lovely Autumn walk to Griffin Park. We observed how nature changes the environment through the seasons. The children made bark rubbings and collected natural materials to be used in art next week. The weather was lovely and all the children behaved exceptionally.

We are learning about algorithms in Computing with Junior Jam. Why don’t you ask your child what that is.

Spring 1


Today in History, we started our new topic 'Florence Nightingale'. First we watched 'Magic Grandad' and dressed up as doctors, nurses and patients. We talked about the differences between the hospitals in the past and present. The children really enjoyed it and can't wait to learn more about Florence next week!


In English, we are reading 'The Woolly Mammoth' and learning about instructions. The children had to get to the tyres in the playground by carefully following instructions from their partner or Miss Rigby. The children had fun and now know what makes a good instruction. 


In Science, our new topic is Materials. We looked at different materials and then we all became 'Material Detectives'. We searched our class and the playground and labelled the materials we found. We couldn't believe how many we saw!


Today, we started our English lesson by following a set of instructions to make a friendship bracelet. We then spoke about how we can add time adverbials to our instructions to help the reader understand the order in which things have to be done. We can't wait to see the children use them in their writing tomorrow.

Computing with Junior Jam. The children are using iMove to create their own animation



DT Week 

This week is Year 1’s DT week and we are making fruit salad. On Tuesday we taste tested lots of different fruits.


Today we are using our cutting skills in preparation for cutting our fruit.


This afternoon we have made our fruit salads.


Our fruit salads were delicious!

Spring 2


In RE we went on a nature walk around our beautiful church. We then encouraged our children to make links between the signs of spring and the Easter story which tells of Jesus coming back to life.


Today in Art we have created a sketch garden. We have experimented with different pencils to create different shades. Miss Kay and Miss Rigby were very impressed.

We are learning this song to help us to remember the four countries and their capitals of the United Kingdom.


This afternoon we have been extremely busy! In Art we have made our own mark making tools. These were all made from natural objects that we collected. We then experimented by dabbing, drawing and brushing using different coloured paint.


In RE we have been continuing our work on new life in preparation for learning about Easter. We planted cress seeds and we will look after them so we can observe new life.

Year 1 have a video message for Charlotte from Elektec.

Summer 1

This afternoon in Science, we started our new topic 'Plants'. First, we had a look at different plants around the church gardens. Then we had a go at labelling the parts of a plant. Finally, we planted our own cress seeds. 


Today in Maths, we are learning about positions. Making the most of this wonderful weather, we are practising going forward, backwards and left and right in our playground.

Summer 2

DT Week - Structures

Stability and Strength -Playgrounds

Autumn 1


In Science, we have been learning about senses. The children have had lots of fun this afternoon! They have been trying foods, smelling various flavours of crisps, touching items in a bag, hearing different sounds and using a magnifying glass to look at a sponge. Enjoy our pictures from this afternoon!


We have had a very busy week in Year 1 this week and we have now got our new recognition board! 

This week we have been working on good manners. These are the children who have received the lanyards this week for always being polite to others.

The board will be changed each week! We hope you like it.


Here are some pictures of our DT week so far! Our aim for this week is to create a nursery rhyme pop up card. Today we have been practising our cutting and drawing skills.

Autumn 2


We started our dough gym! This is to help us with our fine motor skills and improve our handwriting. Every child has their own pot of playdough and we copy specific hand movements to a range of music. You can try this at home, this is one of our favourites… 



In English, we are looking at a new book called ‘Bee and Me’. We have been learning all about bees and have already filled in a fantastic fact sheet. 

Mrs Brownlie kindly brought in some honey comb for us to look at and honey that we all tasted on some bread. It was yummy! 

Ask your children to tell you some facts about bees. 

This morning in Maths, we have been sorting 2D shapes into groups. We discussed why we had grouped them in that way and what made the shapes different. We then had a go at putting shapes back together that had been cut up into smaller pieces. This helped us to identify the different properties of the shapes.



This afternoon, we had our Christmas crafts! The children worked really hard and we had some wonderful art work produced. We hope you are proud! Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended, we really appreciate your support and the children loved having you here!

Spring 1


What an amazing day we have had in Year 1

Today has been our design and make day! We had three stations: juicing, cutting, and blending. The children were fabulous and used the skills we have previously practiced to make their smoothie.

We had so much fun and the smoothies tasted great.

You are all superstars!


We are grateful to Lisa from Place2Be for taking the time to speak to our Year 1 class yesterday about Children's Mental Health Week.

She shared with us a wonderful story titled 'Marvin Gets Mad!' In this story, Marvin, the main character, encourages children to consider the consequences and challenges of having a tantrum. It serves as a reminder for children to reflect on their behaviour and find ways to manage their anger. 

Afterwards, we all enjoyed singing and dancing to 'Try Everything' from Zootopia, which teaches us about resilience, perseverance, and the importance of never giving up, even in the face of setbacks and failures.

Spring 2


In Year 1 our new topic in RE is EasterIn Year 1 our new topic in RE is Easter. We have been looking at new life and the relation this has to Spring and Easter. Therefore, we had a go at creating our own new life by growing cress. Over the last we have been watching the cress grow and watching it change over time. We are so impressed! The children will be bringing their cress home tonight.

Summer 1


In Science this week, we have planted our own seeds and we are going to observe them grow over time.

Prior to this, we looked at a variety of seeds and how they look so different. We discussed what they will grow into and what happens to the seeds.


Today we have been investigating to start our DT week.

We have worked in groups to research various types of windmills and their purposes. Then, we looked at the different parts of a windmill, labelled them, and finally created our success criteria. What a busy day we have had!

Summer 2


On Monday Years 1 and 2 had the opportunity to go to Mill Hill Library as part of the literacy festival. 

We met Christina Gabbitas who is a local author. She shared 3 of her books with us and got us involved with a poem. She taught us all about vitamins and minerals, pollution and animals. We had a great time!


This morning, we recapped our knowledge around plants and did some great oracy.

Following on from this, this afternoon we learnt all about evergreen and deciduous trees. We then completed a sorting activity and had a look around school to see what types of trees we could see.