Meet the Year 3 Team

Year 3 Teachers

Mr Eccles

Mr Eccles

Year 3 Class Teacher

Miss Hunt

Miss Hunt

Year 3 Class Teacher (on maternity leave)

Mrs Egan

Mrs Egan

Teaching Assistant/Deputy Midday Supervisor
Google Certified Educator Level 1

Meet the Teacher Slideshow

Welcome to year 3! It is your first year as a junior. We are as excited as you to experience a year filled with great projects and experiences.  Please keep checking our class pages for important updates, messages and pictures.


Spellings will be sent home every other Friday to be learnt ready for the spelling test the following week. Times tables should also be practised at home. Your child is expected to read at home. Each time you read with your child please sign their reading record. Reading book bags must be in school every day. 


We have PE every Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure children have PE kits in school and any earrings are removed or plasters need to be provided for the children to cover them with.




All children should wear full uniform including their ALWAYS badges.

We do allow pupils to wear all black trainers - no coloured swooshes/stripes etc. with all black soles.

Black shoes are also still acceptable and preferred for school.



Remote Learning

We have outlined our remote learning procedures during the covid pandemic on this page, following the guidelines set by the government. If there is a need to switch back to remote learning in the future, we will adhere to our Remote Learning policy. We will make sure to review and update it according to the current situation and the lessons we have learned from the previous period of school closure. Rest assured, we will communicate these changes clearly to parents.

Remote Learning Policy

Remote Learning Statement

Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 3 Autumn 1 - Knowledge mats

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In English, we have been preparing for our big write, taking ourselves to different locations and describing what we can see, hear, smell, feel, and taste. Yesterday we went to space. Today we have been deep in the sea. This has been super fun and has given us some great ideas ready for our own stories!


In DT this week we are making seasonal vegetable tarts!

Thank you to all the parents/carers who have already sent their child in with £1 to pay for all the resources used across the week. 

Our first focus in DT week is investigating – 

We have researched on chrome books, explored recipe books, tried various seasonal vegetables and carried out questionnaires around the school


Our next focus in DT week is skills -

We have practised cutting using the bridge and claw methods; we have premade pesto for the base of our tarts with the help of Miss Sprot and finally, we have designed our tarts.


Today was our final session doing gymnastics with Blackburn Rovers. We practised all the skills we have learnt over the past few weeks. We had two special visitors, Poppy and Tia, who are football players for the women's Blackburn Rovers team! They supported us during the session, and we had the opportunity to ask them questions at the end. What a fabulous way to end our first half term!

Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 3 Autumn 2 - Knowledge mats

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Yesterday, Year 3 started the GULP program with Blackburn Rovers!

This program aims to help children reduce their intake of sugary drinks. Coaches will be using fun activities and games to educate children about the negative impacts of sugary drinks on their health.

In these fantastic sessions, your child will:

Learn about the importance of drinking water and low-fat milk.

Receive a free reusable water bottle.

Be encouraged to give up sugary drinks for 21 days.

By participating in GULP, your child is taking a step towards a healthier future, reducing their risk of dental problems, obesity, and other health issues.


We have begun our non-fiction text in English. We're creating a holiday brochure!

To start we have been looking over a variety of holiday brochures, both on paper and on Chromebooks, in order to plan. We have been identifying the characteristics of this kind of writing and rebuilding the structure of a scattered text

Our new topic is off to fantastic start! At home, ask your children what we know so far!


In our GULP session yesterday we discussed how fizzy drinks may impact our teeth. We have done an experiment as we have put eggs in water, orange juice and coca cola. We are going to observe them over the next few weeks to see what effect the drinks have on the shell just like they would our teeth.


Today in Year 3, we have been very lucky to have the opportunity to use a smoothie bike. We made 3 smoothies and all had a turn riding the bike. We tasted them all and they were delicious! This helped us to remember that we should be eating 5 a day and staying healthy.

Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 3 Spring 1 - Knowledge mats

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Year 3 had a fantastic PE lesson with Sam today! They engaged in an exciting game of handball with a unique twist. The class collaboratively crafted their own set of rules, incorporating both positive and negative outcomes linked to dice rolls. This innovative approach not only added an element of surprise and fun but also served as a valuable exercise in emotional regulation. By experiencing both favourable and unfavourable rule changes based on chance, the children learned to manage their feelings, fostering sportsmanship and resilience in the face of unexpected outcomes in team sports.


Year 3 has absolutely loved our 'Volcanoes and Earthquakes' topic in Geography! We've learnt so much about the powerful forces that shape our planet.

This Friday, we finished our topic with a bang (or should we say, a rumble?)! We witnessed a spectacular eruption in the playground—well, a homemade one, of course! We got to build our own volcanoes and then cut them open to see all the fascinating layers inside, including the magma chamber and the magma itself. We've also filmed some of the facts we've learnt to share with you. We hope you like it!

Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 3 Spring 2 - Knowledge mats

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Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 3 Summer 1 - Knowledge mats

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Have a look at our knowledge mats to see what we are learning this term

Year 3 Timetable: /files/Timetable_Y3_2024_(1).pdf

Year 3 Summer 2 - Knowledge mats

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Autumn 1

We are working hard in English this morning. We have just started the book ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hug.


We had a fantastic morning using LEGO. We built a shelter using LEGO then programmed a light and alarm to go off.


To celebrate Black History month we have been finding out about black British sporting heroes.


In our Art lesson this afternoon we have been creating pictures based on the work of Howard Hodgkin and Anthony Frost. We have used our oracy skills to discuss our pictures and talk like an artist.


We really work like the juniors now!


We have made shadow puppets in Science this afternoon and have investigated what happens to the size of the shadow as we get closer to the light source.

Autumn 2


We have enjoyed mark making using string in our Art lesson this afternoon.


We have enjoyed tie dyeing in our Art lesson today.


DT Week

This morning as part of DT Week we have been finding out about where our food comes from.

Year 3 and Year 4's Christmas Party!

Spring 1

This morning, Bruce visited school along with Tyson and Eric to start our new English unit of work. We thought about how dogs view our world and observed them eating and playing. We had a fantastic morning. Ask your child all about it!


We enjoyed our lunchtime Lego club today with Mrs. Harrison. We built a Lego seesaw and used coding to make it move up and down.


Thank you to two of our pupils for sharing some Ancient Egyptian artefacts and bringing in a book from home. The class enjoyed learning more about Ancient Egypt and hearing some new facts! 


A few action shots from tonight’s athletics. We didn’t win but we all tried our best and showed great sportsmanship. Well done year 3 and 4!


In Science this afternoon, we have enjoyed making our own skeletons and finding out that we need them for support, protection and to help us move.


This week is Children's Mental Health week and the focus is on connecting with others. In our PSHE lesson today we played 'Let's Connect Bingo' to find out more about the other children in our class.

Spring 2


We have enjoyed World Book Day today. It was fun to have crazy hair for the day :)


In our Art lessons we have been studying the artist Paul Klee and created our own pictures based on his work.


We have had a great start to Science week today.  We really enjoyed the floating ghosts experiment.


Today, Charlotte from Elektec came to talk to us about electricity and construction. It gave us lots of ideas and made us think about what we want to be when we grow up.

Summer 1

In maths this morning, Year 3 have been working on fractions. It was lots of fun!


Yesterday, as part of our history topic, we went for a walk along part of the Leeds Liverpool canal and compared pictures of what it was like over a hundred years ago with now. We also used our Geography skills of map reading and identified the lock and aqueduct.


This morning we had a visitor from the Rivers and Canals Trust to talk to us about the Leeds Liverpool canal as we have been learning about this in our history lessons. Katie talked to us about when and why the canal was built. We also made a model of the canal and the mills along it.

Summer 2


DT Week

Structures - /Shell frame

Structures and strengthening

Bridges - Local Area

Autumn 1

Autumn 2


Today in R.E we have thought about the presence of Jesus in our lives. We have recapped the nativity story and talked about when Jesus was born and how his presence was felt then and is still felt now.

Spring 1


Spring 2

Summer 1


Thank you to Katie from the Canal and River Trust for visiting our school today. Katie shared the fascinating story of how the canal came to be, followed by a walk to the nearby canal where we met David, the lock keeper. David talked to us all about locks and even demonstrated how they work by opening one up. 

Ask your child what interesting facts they learned today!

Summer 2