Reception- Black History Month:
Reception have been learning about Jack Leslie and Demi Stokes. We have also been enjoying lots of books that celebrate diversity.
Oracy October- Reception
Reception have been working on their oracy skills during Snack Times, Talk on Tuesday Sessions and Carpet Times.
Reception continued their work on recycling today.
They designed and built cars, houses, buses and castles out of recyclable materials.
EYFS - PE - Balance Bikes
Throughout the Autumn Term EYFS have been practising and learning how to ride a bike through the use of the Balance Bikes. All pupils are continuing to make fantastic progress and we will look forward to getting the bikes out with and without stabilisers after the October half term.
Visit from Blackburn Museum.
We had a wonderful visit from Blackburn Museum when Steve brought along lots of old toys. The children had a great time playing with all the different toys.