Meet the EYFS Team 

Reception Teachers

Miss Keegan

Miss Keegan

Reception Teacher

Mrs Holden

Mrs Holden

Teaching Assistant/Senior Midday Supervisor

Mrs Jones

Mrs Jones

Teaching Assistant/Interventions

Mrs Mohamed

Mrs Mohamed

Teaching Assistant

Miss Sprot

Miss Sprot

Teaching Assistant



Sports Mentor


Please listen to your child read their reading book and book they know each week. Please download the White Rose 1 Minute Maths app and encourage your child to use this. Here is the link for it


Reading books: Your child will bring one decodable book home every Thursday. This will be the book they have worked on in their Reading Practice Sessions at school that week. These need to be returned on Mondays ready for the sessions in school that week.

Books We Know: Your child will bring home a book they know each week. They will have read these books at school so sit back and enjoy them telling you a story. It will be their responsibility to look after it and they must remember to bring it to school each Friday in order to exchange it for a new book.


We have PE every Monday and Friday. Please ensure children have PE kits in school and any earrings are removed or plasters need to be provided for the children to cover them with.




All children should wear full uniform including their ALWAYS badges. 

We do allow pupils to wear all black trainers - no coloured swooshes/stripes etc. with all black soles.

Black shoes are also still acceptable and preferred for school.


Reception calendar of events:

Reception calendar of events list

Tooth Brushing doc 

The ShREC approach to communication and language (conversations)- 

Sh- Share attention 

Be at the child’s level. Pay attention to what they are focused on. 

R- Respond 

Follow the child’s lead. Respond to their non-verbal and verbal communication. You could make a brief comment on what they can see, hear or feel. 

E- Expand 

Repeat what the child says and build on it by adding more words to turn it into a sentence. 

C- Conversation 

Have extended back and forth interactions. Give children time to listen, process and reply. 

Please use this when having conversations with your child. Any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Miss Keegan.

This is a really useful document for parents with children in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Welcome Meeting: 

Welcome meeting slideshow

Video Tour:

What to expect in EYFS

Updated: 06/12/2022 5.95 MB

Letter formation

Let's make handwriting fun! Have your child watch these videos to practice writing their letters.


Remote Learning

We have outlined our remote learning procedures during the covid pandemic on this page, following the guidelines set by the government. If there is a need to switch back to remote learning in the future, we will adhere to our Remote Learning policy. We will make sure to review and update it according to the current situation and the lessons we have learned from the previous period of school closure. Rest assured, we will communicate these changes clearly to parents.

Remote Learning Policy

Remote Learning Statement


This half term our theme is Marvellous Me! 

This half term our theme is Let's Celebrate!


This half term our theme is Brilliant Bears. 

This half term our theme is Real-Life Superheroes!


This half term our theme is On the Farm!

This half term our theme is Traditional Tales and Favourite Stories. 

Autumn 1- Marvellous Me 

Autumn 2- Let's Celebrate! 

Spring 1- Brilliant Bears 

Spring 2- Real-Life Superheroes!


Bob and Doc have stolen Miss Keegan’s gold hoop earrings! We have been making wanted posters to help us find them.


We have been learning about The Last Supper in RE today. We had bread and 'wine' and discussed how these represented Jesus' body and blood.



We had another very special visitor in Reception today! 

Pip is a Paramedic and she came to tell us all about how they help us.


DT week- 

We have had a great week investigating, designing, planning, making and evaluating our Easter bonnets. They are all ready for our Easter bonnet parade in Church next week.

Summer 1- On the Farm! 


Look at our new visitors in Reception! Our caterpillars have arrived for us to watch them change into beautiful butterfly’s.   We are so excited to tell you all about their journey.


Yesterday we had a little surprise in Reception. Our caterpillars have entered the next stage of their development and have formed a cocoon.  Mrs Holden very carefully transferred them into the net ready for them to transform into a butterfly.


What a beautiful sight awaited us in Reception this morning. We now have 9 beautiful butterflies!!! The children have been so careful not to disturb them and have watched them through the cycle. We can’t wait to set them free.

Smithills Farm trip

We have arrived and are already on our way round the farm on a very bumpy tractor!

We met lots of animals in pets corner.

The children were so brave feeding the animals as they were very greedy.

The donkeys went down a storm. Lots of confident and happy children.

We finished our day with a milking demonstration from farmer Carl. The children asked him lots of questions. We hope all the children enjoyed it and have lots to tell you. Also I’d like to say a big thank you to all our helpers today for making it such a memorable trip.

As you can see, we have had a tiring day! 

Summer 2- Traditional Tales and Favourite Stories

Autumn 1- This half term our theme is Marvellous Me


For this half term our topic is 'All about Me'. We started this on Thursday by creating images of ourself on a paper plate. We looked in the mirror and identified our facial features then added them to the plate using a variety of materials.


Fine motor skills practise means only one thing Pen Party! The children listen to some of their favourite songs whilst practising this weeks skill which was drawing circles. Lying on their stomachs enables them to develop their core strength, feel more grounded and therefore more relaxed. Why not try it at home.


Today we joined the most magical club in the whole school! This afternoon we started drawing club. This is a session designed to enhance vocabulary, imagination, fine motor skills and also the children's oracy skills. Here are a few examples. Ask your child what happened to their monster when they used their magic code. We also started our vocabulary bank with two very large words - shimmering and enraged. Well done reception.


Over the last two weeks we have been learning lots of new things in Maths. Our learning has taught us to create rules for grouping objects and to compare these groups. We have also learnt to use the correct vocabulary including using the words fewer and more. As our learning progressed we then started to look at whether objects are tall, small, big or large. We used the book Dear Zoo to help us.


This morning we enjoyed our first session of ‘Dough Disco’. If you look closely you will see each child has their own bale of dough. Every morning we perform different hand, finger and arm movements to a lively tune. These movements help improve the strength in our little hands and arms. Ultimately, this helps with our pencil grip and our stamina for writing.


In Maths we have begun to compare the length and height of things. We used different equipment to work out if something was longer, shorter, taller or smaller. The children worked extremely well alongside their partners.



Can you guess what we were learning in Maths last week? Following a teaching input, children are encouraged to practise the concept throughout the day.  You can encourage your child to look for patterns, draw them or even make them at home or the environment around them.


This week we have started to learn all about the numbers 1,2 and 3. We can recognise them in patterns, in our environment and we can make them with our fingers. The children were then set a challenge to show me the number 2 and 3 but using both hands….very tricky when you’re little. You may notice the children are sat facing the person next to them. This was our first attempt at talk partner work which helps us to improve our oracy skills. Well done Reception.


Each week we invite the children to tell us what they would like to see or do in our class the following week. Jacob suggested volcanoes and the rest of the class agreed. The children watched a short video on how to make one and then they recalled the ‘ingredients’ they would need and then located all the equipment they required. It was a wonderful afternoon with lots of aw and wonder for our budding scientists.


Pen Party - A big hit with the children. We did this activity for ten minutes whilst listening to some classic songs from the film 'Sing'. Our focus was zigzags which was a little tricky but we had a good try. This is something the children could do at home with just a piece of paper, felt tips and songs they like. Have a go, we would love to see the pictures in class.


Today we were lucky enough to visit our local post office. As this will be our role play area next term we thought we would go and see how it all works. The post office staff were great and showed us how to send a parcel. We also combined this with a walk in the park to observe how the trees are changing due to the seasons. All children were fantastically behaved and very well mannered.

Real life experiences on a trip to the post office. Next term we will write a letter to say thank you and post it in our very own post box.

Autumn 2 - This half term our theme is Let's Celebrate! 


Friday saw us celebrate Aidan’s birthday and Children in Need day. We enjoyed playing traditional party games like musical statues and musical bumps. We also danced to ‘Superman’, Barbie girl and the Hokey Cokey. The children also loved eating the biscuits they made.


Yesterday we had a wonderful trip to church to meet Reverend Cath. She told us all about the history of the church and about St Aidan. The children behaved wonderfully and really impressed Reverend Cath. Well done Reception.


Spring 1- This half term our theme is Brilliant Bears. 


This week we decided to offer the reward of a trophy as well as our stars of the week. Every week children are give rainbow challenges (activity) to complete either independently or with the help of an adult. This trophy will be awarded each week to the child who has worked or tried hard, shown resilience and been proud to complete their work. Our first winner is Scarlett. Well done!


This week we have been working on Design and Technology. We decided to combine our work with our learning of Chinese New Year. The children thought about what materials they could use and how they could attach things. We drew our designs and then set to work. We hope you love our finished product.

Spring 2- This half term our theme is Real-Life Superheroes!


Today we had another exciting visitor in school only this time it had 4 legs and was very fluffy. Kaitlyn, our veterinary nurse brought along a little friend to show us how animals are cared for when they are ill. We learnt lots of new things, and we even listened to Willows heartbeat, which was pretty amazing.

Summer 1- This half term our theme is On the Farm!

Summer 2- This half term our theme is Traditional Tales and Favourite Stories.